Back Pain

How to reduce back pain

In 2019, between 17% – 19% of people reported that they were suffering from back pain. A sedentary lifestyle with lots of sitting at a desk can case severe back pain over time. Did you know that maintaining an ideal postural alignment can support your muscles to work more effectively, which is a highly effective method to reduce back pain.

According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (1947), “ good posture is that state of muscular and skeletal balance which protects the supporting structures of the body and uses muscles efficiently. It affords effective and safe movement and optimum conditions for the functioning  of bodily organs”.

Regular yoga practice reinforces proper alignment of the body. Yoga provides postures that target the head, shoulders, spine, hips, knees, and ankles, and practising these guide the body towards correct postural alignment, help to build muscular strength, and raise your awareness about what area of your body needs more attention.

Regular practitioners of yoga will find that their spine, muscle fibres, ligaments and tendons will be under much less stress on a daily basis.  In addition, good posture enables the muscles to work much more efficiently enabling you to move safely, in turn decreasing the chance of strain or injuries, including your lower back. Practising yoga regularly is therefore a great way to reduce back pain, as well as having a host of other benefits for your body and mind.

Are you already practising yoga? Or are you a complete beginner? If you’re in the area, why not join up to one of my classes. I teach a range of abilities, and I’d be very happy to work with you on your journey to a back-pain free life!